Making Your Dream Wedding Reality
When it comes to your wedding day you want to know that everything will be perfect and there is nothing to worry about.
Before we get started, thanks for stopping by my website. A little about me? Why thanks for asking! I'm the third of four children to parents who were married for nearly 60 years. My wife is the most wonderful woman and we live our incredible regional lives in Echuca. I met my wife, purely by chance, at a live band karaoke night. I was intrigued by the cheekiness she gave me for my song selection and then amazed by her incredible voice when she got up to sing. Right there and then I knew I had to get to know this woman better and somehow become a part of her life.
Before I became a celebrant my work history was based in the entertainment and hospitality industries. I've seen, worked at and helped coordinate some amazing celebrations for people of all ages from all walks of life.
As a professional master of ceremonies of over 30 years I was often asked if I was allowed or able to marry people. "You'd be great" they'd say and I'd find a way to change the subject. It was only after my wife and I were at a friends wedding when she said to me quietly between service and reception "You would've been so much more fun" that I decided that I would change directions professionally and become a celebrant.
As I was saying at the start, your special day should be celebrated and enjoyed by everyone. Most importantly you! With a little help from each other we can make sure that your celebration is exactly the one that you were hoping for.
Please take your time and have a read through my website and if you have any questions, send me an email and I'll be happy to get back to you with some answers.

Dave Chick